Pershore Club Ltd, a traditional Gentleman's Club, is situated in the historic town centre of Pershore in Worcestershire. The club celebrated it's Centenary in 2010 and is still going strong. Members can enjoy a frame of snooker or two, or just spend some time relaxing in the bar or the lounge.

The cost of membership is kept as low as possible for a self-supporting non-politically affiliated club. New members are always welcome.
Two different types of Membership are available -
Application Process
Two different types of Membership are available -
- Full Membership - with the additional bonus of the opportunity to purchase a parking permit for the private Members car park - which is conveniently located directly outside the building, and is central to Pershore main High Street and facilities
- Country Member - for those who live outside a 10 mile radius of the Club
- For prices and additional information please telephone the Club on 01386 552087 or use the contact form on this website
- Guests welcome if signed in
- Ladies welcome
Application Process
- Fill out an application form that you can collect from the premises
- Each candidate for election shall be proposed by one Member and seconded by another, both of whom will have been Members for at least one year and endorsed by a member of the Management Committee having met the applicant before being considered.
- No Member is a Full Member until the annual subscription fee has been paid.
- Fees of new Members to be paid on acceptance of membership.
The Club shall be known as PERSHORE CLUB LIMITED
The headquarters of the Club shall be at 45A HIGH STREET PERSHORE
To promote social and rational recreation
The Officers of the Club shall be -
Membership Secretary
The Management Committee shall consist of seven members together with the officers
The Bar Committee shall consist of at least three members of the Management Committee
The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the first two weeks of December when Officers and Committee Members shall be elected
Special Meetings
The Management Committee shall have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members at any time and shall call such a meeting on a requistion for same signed by four members of the Club.
Twenty-one days notice shall be given of the AGM and of an EM.
Sub Committees
The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint from elected memnbers of the Committee a Sub-Committee as may be required to deal with matters arising from the running of the Club.
Each Sub-Committee shall appoint it's own convenor. The Officers of the Club shall be ex-afficio members of all Sub-Committees.
Sub-Committees shall have power to co-opt.
Committee Vacancies
The Management Committee shall fill any vacancy that may arise in any Committee constituted under these rules.
At meetings of the Management Committee six shall form a quorom.
Decisions of the Sub-Committees shall be subject to confirmation of the Management Committee.
The Auditors of the Club's Accounts shall be elected annually.
The financial year of the Club shall be in respect of a period of twelve months ending 30th September.
The Honorary Treasurer shall submit audited accounts of all Income and Expenditure of the Club and a certified Balance Sheet to the AGM.
All monies or property of the Club or gain arising from the carrying of the Club shall be applied for the benefit of the Club as a whole, or otherwise for such charitable or benevolent purposes as the members in the AGM shall decide.
No person who shall have been expelled from the Club shall ever again be proposed as a Candidate, or make use of the Club premises, except that the special consent of the Committee shall be obtained.
List of Members
A list of all Members shall be placed in the Club and the Membership Secretary shall from time to time place a distinguishing mark against the names of those Members who have paid subscriptions.
Any complaints or suggestions shall be made in writing to the Secretary and not the staff.
Club Hours
The Club premises shall be open for admittance from 6pm to 10pm Monday to Saturday. The bar will remain open on event and match evenings.
Permitted Hours
The permitted hours for the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be such as from time to time be determined by the Management Committee in accordance with the provisions of Licensing Act 1964, and as notified to the Magistrates Clerk. Providing that if an order is made under section 5, Sub-section (3) or (4) of the said Act, the provisions of Sub-Section (8) shall apply.
Ammendment of Rules
None of the above rules shall be expunged or altered, or any new rules adopted except at an AGM or at a meeting specially convened for that purpose.
Powers of the Committee
If any matter shall arise which is not covered by the Rules, the Management Committee shall have full power to take such action as it deems necessary in the interests of the Club.
Membership of the Club (over 18's) shall comprise of Full Members, Country Members and Honorary Members.
The election of Members shall be vested in the Management Committee.
Each candidate for election shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another, both of whom will have been members for at least one year and endorsed by a member of the Mangement Committee having met the applicant before being considered.
Country Members shall be persons living more than ten miles away, but to include all parishes covered by that line as per the map displayed in the Club Headquarters.
Honorary Members shall be such persons as the Management Committee may appoint, whose names shall be recorded in the minutes.
Persons may not be admitted to Membership or be admitted as candidates for Membership, or to any of the privileges of Membership, without an interval of at least two weeks between their nomination or application for Membership and their admission.
The number of Honorary Members of the Club shall not at any time exceed 5% of the total Membership of the Club as shown by the Register of Members.
No Member is a full Member until the annual subscription has been paid.
Fees for new Members to be paid on acceptance of Membership.
Any Members shall have the privilege of introducing a friend to the Club premises by entering his or her name in the Register provided for that purpose.
No Member may introduce the same person as a guest to the Club on more that six occasions in any period of twelve months.
Members shall be entitled to take part in all social and other activities of the Club, and to take part in Management of the Club.
Fess shall be reviewed annually and details displayed on the Club noticeboard.
Subscriptions shall be due on 1st October in each year or on election as a Member.
Arrears of Subscriptions
Every Member whose subscription is one calendar month in arrears shall be applied to in writing by the Membership Secretary for payment, and if the subscription is not paid within one month after such application the name of such member may be posted on the Club noticeboard for two weeks. At the expiration of such time, if the subscription is still unpaid, the Member shall be deemed to have resigned their Membership and relenquished all privileges of the Club.
A Member intending to resign from the Club shall signify their intentions in writing to either the Membership or Honorary Secretary.
The Management Committee shall have power by a majority of two-thirds of the votes of those present at a committee meeting, to expel any Member for conduct deemed by the Committee to be injurous to the character and interest of the Club, but before voting any such expulsion, seven days notice of the Committee Meeting at which his or her case will be considered shall be given to the Member, and he/she shall be allowed to attend such a meeting and shall have full opportunity afforded of offering an explanation.
Dress Code
Please respect the Club with wearing no denims, and dressing smartly at all times.
The Club shall be known as PERSHORE CLUB LIMITED
The headquarters of the Club shall be at 45A HIGH STREET PERSHORE
To promote social and rational recreation
The Officers of the Club shall be -
Membership Secretary
The Management Committee shall consist of seven members together with the officers
The Bar Committee shall consist of at least three members of the Management Committee
The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the first two weeks of December when Officers and Committee Members shall be elected
Special Meetings
The Management Committee shall have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members at any time and shall call such a meeting on a requistion for same signed by four members of the Club.
Twenty-one days notice shall be given of the AGM and of an EM.
Sub Committees
The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint from elected memnbers of the Committee a Sub-Committee as may be required to deal with matters arising from the running of the Club.
Each Sub-Committee shall appoint it's own convenor. The Officers of the Club shall be ex-afficio members of all Sub-Committees.
Sub-Committees shall have power to co-opt.
Committee Vacancies
The Management Committee shall fill any vacancy that may arise in any Committee constituted under these rules.
At meetings of the Management Committee six shall form a quorom.
Decisions of the Sub-Committees shall be subject to confirmation of the Management Committee.
The Auditors of the Club's Accounts shall be elected annually.
The financial year of the Club shall be in respect of a period of twelve months ending 30th September.
The Honorary Treasurer shall submit audited accounts of all Income and Expenditure of the Club and a certified Balance Sheet to the AGM.
All monies or property of the Club or gain arising from the carrying of the Club shall be applied for the benefit of the Club as a whole, or otherwise for such charitable or benevolent purposes as the members in the AGM shall decide.
No person who shall have been expelled from the Club shall ever again be proposed as a Candidate, or make use of the Club premises, except that the special consent of the Committee shall be obtained.
List of Members
A list of all Members shall be placed in the Club and the Membership Secretary shall from time to time place a distinguishing mark against the names of those Members who have paid subscriptions.
Any complaints or suggestions shall be made in writing to the Secretary and not the staff.
Club Hours
The Club premises shall be open for admittance from 6pm to 10pm Monday to Saturday. The bar will remain open on event and match evenings.
Permitted Hours
The permitted hours for the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be such as from time to time be determined by the Management Committee in accordance with the provisions of Licensing Act 1964, and as notified to the Magistrates Clerk. Providing that if an order is made under section 5, Sub-section (3) or (4) of the said Act, the provisions of Sub-Section (8) shall apply.
Ammendment of Rules
None of the above rules shall be expunged or altered, or any new rules adopted except at an AGM or at a meeting specially convened for that purpose.
Powers of the Committee
If any matter shall arise which is not covered by the Rules, the Management Committee shall have full power to take such action as it deems necessary in the interests of the Club.
Membership of the Club (over 18's) shall comprise of Full Members, Country Members and Honorary Members.
The election of Members shall be vested in the Management Committee.
Each candidate for election shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another, both of whom will have been members for at least one year and endorsed by a member of the Mangement Committee having met the applicant before being considered.
Country Members shall be persons living more than ten miles away, but to include all parishes covered by that line as per the map displayed in the Club Headquarters.
Honorary Members shall be such persons as the Management Committee may appoint, whose names shall be recorded in the minutes.
Persons may not be admitted to Membership or be admitted as candidates for Membership, or to any of the privileges of Membership, without an interval of at least two weeks between their nomination or application for Membership and their admission.
The number of Honorary Members of the Club shall not at any time exceed 5% of the total Membership of the Club as shown by the Register of Members.
No Member is a full Member until the annual subscription has been paid.
Fees for new Members to be paid on acceptance of Membership.
Any Members shall have the privilege of introducing a friend to the Club premises by entering his or her name in the Register provided for that purpose.
No Member may introduce the same person as a guest to the Club on more that six occasions in any period of twelve months.
Members shall be entitled to take part in all social and other activities of the Club, and to take part in Management of the Club.
Fess shall be reviewed annually and details displayed on the Club noticeboard.
Subscriptions shall be due on 1st October in each year or on election as a Member.
Arrears of Subscriptions
Every Member whose subscription is one calendar month in arrears shall be applied to in writing by the Membership Secretary for payment, and if the subscription is not paid within one month after such application the name of such member may be posted on the Club noticeboard for two weeks. At the expiration of such time, if the subscription is still unpaid, the Member shall be deemed to have resigned their Membership and relenquished all privileges of the Club.
A Member intending to resign from the Club shall signify their intentions in writing to either the Membership or Honorary Secretary.
The Management Committee shall have power by a majority of two-thirds of the votes of those present at a committee meeting, to expel any Member for conduct deemed by the Committee to be injurous to the character and interest of the Club, but before voting any such expulsion, seven days notice of the Committee Meeting at which his or her case will be considered shall be given to the Member, and he/she shall be allowed to attend such a meeting and shall have full opportunity afforded of offering an explanation.
Dress Code
Please respect the Club with wearing no denims, and dressing smartly at all times.